We care about kids! Our Children’s ministry provides kids with a solid foundation of biblical knowledge, connections with other families, and opportunities to help others. All of our activities are made to be age-appropriate, engaging, safe, and FUN!
We carefully screen and train each of our volunteers, and all classrooms are equipped with a secure check-in/check-out process.

At Lil’ POWER Kids, we want even our smallest children to know how much God loves them! Your child will be left in a safe and positive setting with age appropriate toys and an adequate teacher-to-child ratio. This allows parents to experience a worry-free worship service. You can register and sign your child in at one of our kiosks in the lobby.

Jr. POWER Kids will help our young children discover: God made them, God loves them, and Jesus wants to be their friend forever. By providing age-appropriate activities, creative lessons, music, and snacks, we are able to help children get a clear first impression of their loving, heavenly father. You can register and sign your child in at one of our kiosks in the lobby.

At POWER Kids we want to help our kids own their faith by sharing how to begin a relationship with God and helping them build a firm foundation of biblical knowledge. We want to show them that the Bible is the source of wisdom and truth and how what they learn applies to their daily lives. Our hope is that over these formative years they would learn:
- I need to make the wise choice.
- I can trust God no matter what!
- I should treat others the way I want to be treated.
You can register and sign your child in at one of our kiosks in the lobby.
Serving is faith in action. It allows us to experience God together and increases our faith. How? It’s a front seat to not only watch, but be a part of God changing people’s lives. In fact, you were created for service. God has given you specific gifts and a valuable role to play in focusing on and caring for others. You’ll be drawn to very heart of God.