Jeff Bogue
Jeff’s proudest titles are that of husband and father. He claims he is married to the most beautiful woman God has ever graced the earth with. They have been married 25 years and are still best buddies. They have five sons and one daughter. Jeff loves the Ohio State Buckeyes and country music. His favorite vehicle ever was his 17-yr old pick-up truck. His friends often call him a “hebee” (highly educated hillbilly). He bears that title proudly!
Jeff is the author of the books, Living Naked: How an Ordinary Person Can Live an Extraordinary Life, ReSet: Why Discipleship Isn’t About Trying Harder, theOneStep Discipleship Journals, andFive Assumptions about God and Why They are Wrong. He travels nationally and abroad speaking and training ministry leaders. Jeff has a deep passion for his community and for the local church to be involved in making the hope of God tangible to every person.